Chelsea Mist (I) is a compelling example of the artist's series captured during their time living aboard House Boat Amari, a converted barge moored at Old Ferry Wharf, Cheyne Walk, Chelsea. The image offers a serene view of the Thames at Chelsea Reach, with the iconic St Mary’s Church steeple positioned to the left, and Richard Rogers' Montevetro Building featured centrally. The Battersea Railway Bridge is visible in the middle, while the buildings of Chelsea Harbour subtly appear to the right.
Taken early one morning from the lower deck of the artist's boat, the composition captures the dual nature of the river — both its immense power and the calm tranquility of the scene. This work is part of a series completed during the artist's six-year residence at Old Ferry Wharf, from 2006 to 2012, where the artist explored the distinctive light and changing atmosphere of the Thames.